The Golf Lake Pickleball Club was founded in February of 2015. However the timeline dates back to 2014.
2014 – March - A committee was formed by pickleball volunteers to discuss the
vision for pickleball at Golf Lakes.
2015 - February – The Pickleball Club was formed with 27 founding members.
2015 - February 10th – New courts were completed. This is the first year the
Ladder was started. (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
2015 - April - The first "Newsletter" was sent to all club members.
2016 – Monthly tournaments were started.
2017 - November - The newsletter was renamed the "Court Report."
2018 – A shelter was added to the south side of the courts.
2019 – Lighting began on the east side of the court.
2019 - November - A website was added for all GL-Pickleball Club members.
2020 – Lighting was completed on the west side of the court. Night play began
with Monday Partner Play and a Women’s Wednesday Night. The March
Tournament and March Social were cancelled due to Covid-19.
2020 - The Club membership grew to 67 members.
2021 - March - Windscreens were added to the perimeter fence.
2021 – All tournaments and socials were cancelled due to Covid-19.
2022 - March - A four person team tournament with four teams was started.